BEFORE YOU FOLLOW POC system -- neurodivergent
Don't trigger alters on purpose, misname/gender them or ask to speak to someone who isn't fronting.

DO NOT INTERACT under 15 (body) -- x-phobe, racist -- use fonts -- no trigger warnings, NSFW -- use swears you can't reclaim.

Twitter @abilitystealers ; @DAYANDKNlGHT
TikTok @tratmatized
CuriousCat @httpspktr
Simply Plural AbilityStealers

Alters List

Main Hosts

Secondary Hosts

Regular Fronters

Name: Damien
Emoji: 🐦⬛
Age: 29
Pronouns: He/Him

Labels: Aroace
Role: Host, gatekeeper, internal self-helper
Likes: Chill evenings, board games

Name: Jim
Emoji: 🚀
Age: 27
Pronouns: He/They

Labels: Bisexual
Role: Protector, memory holder
Likes: Rock/metal, cold weather, hanging out

Name: Lucky
Emoji: 🍀
Age: 27
Pronouns: They/Them

Labels: Pansexual, polyamourous
Role: Performer, s*xual alter
Likes: Doja Cat, Lil Nas X, Nicky Minaj, dancing, singing

Name: Melvin/Melv
Age: 22
Pronouns: He/Him

Labels: Asexual, panromantic (aromantic?)
Role: Host, performer
Likes: Dogs, yellow, apples, video games, drumming

Name: Rät (pronounced "rot")
Emoji: 🐀
Age: N/A
Pronouns: It/They/He

Labels: Queer/questioning
Role: Secondary host, memory holder
Likes: Dark rooms, coffee

Name: Catherine/Cat
Emoji: 🌸
Age: 25
Pronouns: She/Her

Labels: Heterosexual
Role: Caregiver
Likes: Cats, flowers, classical and pop music

Name: Gabriel
Emoji: 🌙
Age: N/A
Pronouns: Any

Labels: N/A
Role: Trauma holder
Likes: Heroes (TV show)

Name: Rhys
Emoji: ⚜️
Age: 36
Pronouns: He/Him

Labels: Gay
Role: Introject, persecutor
Likes: Politics, writing

Other Alters

"Then I discovered something. A kind of peace. A sense of purpose that can only be described as destiny."

💥 Alice -- She/Her
👾 Andy — It/Its, Pix/Pixs
🌻 Charlotte -- She/Her
🗡️ Eddie -- He/Him

🎞️ Ethan — He/Him
⚓ Lt. Adm. Taser -- He/Him
🥀 West — He/Him